Did you know that the World-Wide Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts stretches across 150 countries? That’s 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts having a huge impact on the lives of each other and on their communities. By becoming a Brownie, a member of the junior branch of the Girl Guide Association, young girls pledge to:
- Be an active citizen of her community and the wider world
- To help others – from a kind word to a neighbour to taking part in huge international campaigns
- To develop her spiritual side – whatever she believes or cares about, and to respect the beliefs of others.

In addition, all Girlguiding members are invited to make the same very important promise:
“I promise to do my best, to do my duty to my faith and my country, to help those at home every day, and to obey the Brownie Guide Law.”
So What is World Thinking Day?
Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of International friendship, teamwork and cooperation in a shared goal – making the world a better place. It raises vital funds for the continued positive impact which Girl Guides and Brownie’s have on the world around us. World Thinking Day, which in 2018 is celebrated on February 22nd, unites this global sisterhood within the theme of “Impact”. Making an Impact means having a strong effect on something or someone. It can include doing anything from visiting a neighbour, picking rubbish from a beach or volunteering at a charity event.This World Thinking Day Girl Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies will consider what it means to have the power to impact on the world. Previous themes have included “Grow’’ and “Connect’’. By taking part in relevant, exciting and fun activities, members experience positive change within themselves and ultimately within their communities!

Lottie has long since recognised the importance and value of W.A.G.G.G.S and their potential to empower and inspire young girls. In 2017 we felt so inspired by their contribution to society that we introduced our very own Brownie Lottie Doll! Launching the doll, Nicola Grinstead, Chair of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), said: “We love the way Lottie dolls are age-appropriate and relatable and they empower children to be themselves, to be imaginative, adventurous and, of course, to have fun. This partnership is a perfect fit for us as WAGGGS’s vision is that ‘All girls are valued and can take action to change the world”.
Brownie Lottie has proven to be a huge hit with Brownies and Girl Guides Worldwide as she encourages their members to be more active and adventurous while inspiring other young girls to join their local groups.

Believing in the potential of girls everywhere is central to Lottie Dolls ethos and so to mark World Thinking Day 2018, we’ve got an AMAZING Brownie Adventure Bundle on offer – buy a canoe and campfire adventure set and get a Brownie Lottie and Brownie Outfit absolutely FREE!